jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Guía Para Terceros Medios. Para vuelta de vacaciones

Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en su forma correcta. Ten en cuenta el tipo de estructura condicional.
John: Can't you stop playing the piano?
Dan: Well, if I  (not practise), I will fail my exam next week.
John: But why at night? If you  (play) in the morning, I  (not hear) you because I'm at work. But you never play in the morning! If I  (know) about the piano, I  (not take) you as a flatmate last September. If you (practise) quietly, it  (be) much better.
Dan: But I can't play the piano quietly.
John: If I  (know) that, I  (choose) someone else for the room. Anyway, if you  (not find) a solution soon, I  (complain) to the police.

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